I’ve tried to keep a blog or at least have a place i can post my pictures and some thoughts just for myself. It’s kinda nice having a place to post stuff that i can’t see likes or views or whatever. I just basically post things for me and I am able to go back and see where i was or encourage myself or whatever. But it’s also a place that anyone who wants to can learn about me or also be encouraged or learn my darkest fears and use them against me. I’ll never know who you are. I like that. Post stuff for me and whoever wants to glean from it what they want, they can.
This is what i want my blog to be: an adventure of my thoughts and places i go and people i meet. I know a picture is worth a 1000 words and i hate writing which is why i mostly just use pictures, but some information behind the pictures is incredibly important or just kinda cool to know. I love learning. I love to share what i learn. so this is where I’ll be able to do it in a little more depth without having to deal with Facebook or Instagram or whatever platform that i don’t have control over. I also would love to start doing gear reviews again. I’d like to do tutorials on climbing or how to make good coffee or photography and such. Part of my thought about this website and blog is to legitimize myself more too. have a place i can send people to see my photos. As much as i just love creating and get better and better at the different crafts i do, I would love to be paid for them. You may or may not know how much money and time goes into being a creative, but it’s an insane amount. The amount or planning and gear and editing or building and modifying, not to mention the business side of things. Take this website for instance. Anyway, I’m not hear to tell you how much debt I’m in. Ha. Just saying that i’ve wanted to create CLAMSJOG for a while and here i am. Can’t wait to see where this leads me.