portrait photography(december 2019)

I did not make time to post everything i’ve been shooting in the last month on here. I ended up doing 12 shoots in December. I only had 2 models bail day of the shoot, but because i was doing so many shoots, that time wasn’t wasted and i ended up editing that day. I feel more confident than ever that i can get the pictures i want anytime I shoot. There’s something about portraits i love. They’re simple for the most part. you know who the subject of the picture needs to be, but you want to add creativity into that picture. Adding clothes or jewelry or props or landscape or no clothes. All things that frame the subject. Add to the subject. Add to the story of the picture. So that when people see the picture they see emotion or mystery or curiosity or feel a connection with it. Color, Contrast, shadows, highlights: light makes up the picture. My studio lights aren’t that great. I use 100w LED daylight bulbs from walmart in a $30 softbox. from eBay. But when you understand light and how it works then the world opens up. When you understand your camera and it’s settings then you get faster at capturing what you want.

Understanding is probably the most important thing in my life today. Understanding people opens up compassion and lessens frustration. Understanding media and social elements opens up community and connection. Understanding tools opens up creativity and independence and self reliance. Understanding yourself opens up self control and growth. Understanding God has opened up love and peace for me. I’ve spent a lot of the last couple years learning and trying to understand people and things. I feel like it helps give me a big picture of life.

All that being said, here’s some of the pictures i’ve taken in the last month: